Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

I had the privilege this past week to attend the ICSC Stewardship Conference with
seven of our parish stewards.  ese types of opportunities are a great way to refl ect
more deeply upon our mission and to discern what is working and not working in our
quest to be a stewardship parish inspired by the spirit of the New Evangelization.
On Tuesday I attended a session given by a parish who won an award for their
exemplary living out of the stewardship way of life. It was a genuine presentation, but
I was caught by a defi nition of evangelization given by the group.  e presenter defi ned
evangelization as “how you live your life.” I thought to myself, “how you live your life”
really defi nes stewardship. We live our life as a grateful response of a cheerful giver who
recognizes and receives God’s gifts and shares them in love of God and neighbor. You
have undoubtedly heard that before. Evangelization, on the other hand, is why you live
“how you live your life.”

Evangelization is the personal encounter with the love of God that inspires a passionate
and personal response. It can be borne through prayer, a talk, a book, a conversation, a
video and even a revelation.  e encounter happens in various degrees and can happen
daily or, if we are not properly disposed, rarely. For example, at a homily during the
conference, a bishop described in a very personal manner how stewardship living is
closely related to the way in which we relate towards our own family members. In
our good moments, more than likely there is nothing we wouldn't do for our family
members. I thought of my own love for my family members and how I would
do anything for them--well, most of the time.  is inspiration led to a renewed
understanding of the nature of stewardship. I was touched by the familial connection
that the bishop made to our own stewardship living. It was more than just head
knowledge, it was an understanding that touched my heart and I felt myself more open
and receptive to God and life.

Recognizing when we are evangelized, whatever the instrument, leads to a more
invigorated living of the stewardship way of life. It leads to a more passionate “yes”, to
“how you live your life.”

As we come closer to our annual stewardship renewal, considering how we live our life
of time, talent and treasure. Let us pray that we might be evangelized by the love of God
that captures us through the action of the Holy Spirit and leads to a grateful response.

Ad majorem Dei gloriam,
Fr. John F. Jirak

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